Injuries are just a fact of life for an athlete. No matter how much your organization works to reduce injury risk, or what kind of amazing protective gear you wear, injuries will happen eventually. Sports injuries most often impact your bones, muscles, and joints. Any fall, repetitive overuse, or improper posture can cause musculoskeletal injury…
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Sports Medicine: What You Need to Know
Despite its name, sports medicine isn’t just for people involved in sports. This orthopedic subspecialty focuses on the diagnoses, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal problems affecting anyone involved in any type of physical activity—gym lovers, elite athletes, weekend warriors, and even seniors who refuse to give in to old and strive to maintain an active…
The Right Knee Surgery Option for You
Knee pain is an ordeal dreaded by just any person who desires to maintain an active lifestyle. If you’re experiencing knee pain, don’t allow it to completely hold you captive. Your best bet is to seek the expertise of an orthopedic surgeon, who will carry out a comprehensive assessment to accurately diagnose your condition and…
Are You Eligible For Knee Surgery?
Knee problems are not uncommon and can lead to symptoms such as pain and limited function. There are a variety of advanced nonsurgical treatments available, but in some cases, surgery may be the best option to alleviate symptoms. Read on to find out more about treatments for knee pain and whether you may be eligible…
Reasons to Choose PRP Treatments
Since platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy was first developed decades ago, it has been gaining traction among healthcare professionals across various disciplines for a number of good reasons. In the field of orthopedics, in particular, PRP therapy is increasingly being used in the treatment of the vast variety of musculoskeletal problems, including sports injuries. If…