Adults and children differ in our ability to heal after a bone break or a fracture. Why? Well, it all comes down to how strong our bones are, the structure of our bones, and the type and intensity of the fracture. Children Heal Faster While it may seem like it’s common to see kids wearing…
bone density test
Osteoporosis: The Long-Term Effects of Untreated Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes loss of mass of the bone tissue. A healthy individual’s bones are dense; under a microscope, a healthy bone has a honeycomb-like appearance with tiny holes. However, the bones of a person with osteoporosis has larger holes and gaps in the honeycomb-like structure because of density loss. This…
When Should You Get a Bone Density Test?
Do you or a loved one have osteoporosis? Then there is a good chance you know about bone density tests. If not, it’s unlikely that you know what this test is. That’s because bone density testing is used exclusively and is the sole diagnostic test to diagnose osteoporosis. If you don’t know or have never…